A PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) machine is used to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences in genomic DNA samples. This helps identify plant pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, that may be causing diseases in plants. In the context of plant pathology, this technique allows for accurate diagnosis of causal agents of diseases and effective disease management strategies.

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PCR Machine

Rubber research institute of Sri Lanka

Product Category/ Test Name (Matrix):

PCR amplification of specific DNA sequence of target organism (Plant pathogen)

Sub Category:


Service Charge (Rs) -

Manufacturer China Funding Source NSF Equipment grant
Model TC-95/G/H(b)C Whether the equipment service can be provided to external researchers/institutions Yes
Manufactured Year 2015 Availability of Technically Competent Staff Yes
HS Code sarojinifernando787@gmail.com Instrument Condition Not Functioning
Vendor Name Avon Pharmo Chem (Pvt) Ltd Commencement of Operations Date 2021-12-12
Vendor Contact InstrumentPrice 0.00
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Institute Rubber research institute of Sri Lanka
Department Plant Pathology and Microbiology Department
Laboratory Molecular Biology
Contact Person Name T.H.P. Sarojini Fernando
Email sarojinifernando787@gmail.com
Phone Number 0342247426
Mobile Number 0743018201
Product Category PCR amplification of specific DNA sequence of target organism (Plant pathogen)
Sub Category
Testing Paremeters Identification of causal organisms of rubber diseases

A PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) machine is used to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences in genomic DNA samples. This helps identify plant pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, that may be causing diseases in plants. In the context of plant pathology, this technique allows for accurate diagnosis and effective disease management strategies.

Relevant Instruments
Technical Specification

Name: LifeECO

Model : TC-96/G/H (b) C

SN: BYQ6078E-908

Make : China

Number of samples per cycle 96
Number of samples per day 96
Total usage hour per day 5

Under Development Stage

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