There are 02 Corpse Preservation freezer  Lockers (each can store 10 cadavers). These cadavers are used to preserve cadavers at 0 to +2C after injecting a Phenoxyethanol - ethanol mixture into the cadaver. This phenoxyethanol - ethanol-based cadaver embalming technique can preserve the cadaver while maintaining the tissue's good quality and giving it a life-like appearance. These types of cadavers are preferred by surgeons to conduct surgical hands-on training workshops.

Recently the Department of Anatomy has conducted many workshops such as two organ transplant workshops, arthroscopy of knee and shoulder (1st time in Sri Lanka), hand and breast flap surgeries(in plastic surgery sessions), abdominal surgery demonstration (Whipple procedure), AO CMF Course—Advances in TMJ Surgery and Management of TMJ Disorders and etc

These workshops generated new pieces of knowledge, gave access to cadaver training for non-university medical and para-medical staff, and served as an income-generating source for the faculty

Therefore these coolers are essential equipments in cadaver preservation anatomy wet lab

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Corpse Preservation Freezer Lockers

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Product Category/ Test Name (Matrix):


Sub Category:

Phenoxyethanol‐based embalmed cadavers, Fresh cadavers


Corpse Preservation Freezer Lockers, Mortuary Coolers

Service Charge (Rs) - 100000.00

Manufacturer KATOMAN SEISAKUSHO Co. Ltd Japan Funding Source Government funding
Model KEX -10WLBC Whether the equipment service can be provided to external researchers/institutions Yes
Manufactured Year 1997 Availability of Technically Competent Staff yes
HS Code Instrument Condition Defective
Vendor Name KATOMAN SEISAKUSHO Co. Ltd Japan Commencement of Operations Date 1998-12-01
Vendor Contact +81 3-3811-7353 / / InstrumentPrice 7000000.00
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Institute University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Faculty Faculty of Medical Sciences
Department Anatomy
Laboratory The wet lab (cadaver anatomy lab)
Contact Person Name Dr Sajith Edirisinghe
Phone Number 0112802164
Mobile Number 0716090858
Product Category Cadavers
Sub Category Phenoxyethanol‐based embalmed cadavers, Fresh cadavers
Testing Paremeters Hands on Training Simulation in Surgery

Formaldehyde is "carcinogenic to humans" based on sufficient evidence it can cause nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia. Currently the Department of Anatomy, FMS,USJ is shifting away from the tradional Formaldehyde based cadaver preservation to non Formaldehyde based cadaver preserrvation to minimise the exposure to the Formaldehyde. 

Cadavers are preserved using a non-formaline - Phenoxyethanol‐based embalming technique for the trainings to improve practical skills or learn new surgical techniques through interactive case discussions and an open approach to innovations and the introduction of new techniques among surgeons and surgical trainees.

Relevant Instruments Corpse Preservation Freezer Lockers with Hand Lifter, Rapid Embalming Machine, Slow Embalming apparatus, High-speed band saw, Meat slicer, Dissection tool kits, Chest Freezer, ethanol pumps
Technical Specification

Model number - KEX 10WLBC

serial number -  971128EXP-3

Date of manufacture -  November 28, 1997

Power source - 400V , 3Ø, 50Hz

At once can store 10 cadavers 

Number of samples per cycle 10
Number of samples per day 10
Total usage hour per day 24

Under Development Stage

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