Air jet texturing machine is a textile machine used to create textured yarns from synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon, or polypropylene. The process, known as air jet texturing, uses high-pressure air jets to create loops, crimps, and bulk in the filaments, transforming flat continuous filament yarns into yarns that resemble spun or natural fibers in appearance and feel.Air jet texturing provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for producing high-performance yarns with a natural look and feel, enhancing the aesthetic and functional properties of synthetic yarns in various textile products

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Air jet texturing machine

University of Moratuwa

Product Category/ Test Name (Matrix):

Textile Manufacturing

Sub Category:



Service Charge (Rs) -

Manufacturer SSM/ Switzerland Funding Source
Model DP5-TF/TC Whether the equipment service can be provided to external researchers/institutions Yes
Manufactured Year 2016 Availability of Technically Competent Staff
HS Code Instrument Condition Functioning well
Vendor Name Commencement of Operations Date
Vendor Contact InstrumentPrice 0.00
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Institute University of Moratuwa
Faculty Faculty of Engineering
Department Department of Textile and Apparel Engineering
Laboratory Spinning Laboratory
Contact Person Name J A Chinthaka
Phone Number 0112650301
Mobile Number
Product Category Textile Manufacturing
Sub Category Spinning
Testing Paremeters
Relevant Instruments
Technical Specification
Number of samples per cycle 0
Number of samples per day 0
Total usage hour per day 0

Under Development Stage

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