Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a hybrid analytical technique that couples the separation capabilities of GC with the detection properties of MS to provide higher efficiency of sample analyses. While GC can separate volatile components in a sample, MS helps fragment the components and identify them based on their mass. GC-MS provides enhanced sample identification, higher sensitivity, an increased range of analyzable samples, and faster results. These features of GC-MS enable a whole new range of applications for GC-MS in several areas, including medicine, environmental monitoring, food and fragrance analysis, pharmaceutical applications, biological analysis, explosive detection, geochemical research and several other industrial applications.

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Uva Wellassa University

Product Category/ Test Name (Matrix):

Gases, volatiles and organic molecules

Sub Category:

Food, feed, pollutants, aromatic compounds


Gas- Chromatograph / Mass-Spectrometry

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Under Development Stage

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